As certified partners with MRG® we have substantial testing resources available to us to assist our clients in leadership and team development activities, selection and succession, culture and strategy development and which enhance any coaching objectives. The main assessments which we have in our toolkit include the Leadership Effectiveness Analysis (LEA)™, Individual Directions Inventory (IDI)™ and Personal Directions (PD)®. Each of these has a suite of tools associated with them from which we can pick and choose to provide unbiased data to meet your needs. A few examples of the tools from each include:

• The LEA™ which consists of five questionnaires that are tied to 22 leadership traits and are used to provide insights into individual leadership, desired leadership qualities, gaps when attempting to make a culture change and what might be needed in the future;

• The IDI™ is a reflective perception of where an individual gets their energy and their underlying motivations to provide a greater understanding of how their biases affect their relationships, reveal where they are likely to put in the most effort and obtain the greatest rewards and which can be applied in individual and team settings. The IDI™ can be used for individual coaching usually in conjunction with the LEA™, for team development in which a composite report highlights differences and similarities and for leadership development initiatives;

• The PD® which is most frequently used in conjunction with the IDI™ and is very useful when a change in circumstance such as retirement, career change, succession planning and provides an often eye opening perspective on where one gets the greatest satisfaction in life includes highly visual graphic tools such as a Quality of Life scale and an Appraise your World pie chart.

For further discussion on how assessment might benefit you or your team, please contact Elizabeth to schedule time to review effective solutions to your challenges.