Typically, we work with teams of two to 18 people to develop and deliver workshops ranging from half to full day to a series of days depending upon the complexity of the issue or issues. We focus on the team’s most pressing challenges which we determine with you prior to designing the appropriate brainstorming session(s). The goals of all such programs must mirror the organization's priorities and vision so it is important that we spend time with you to make sure that the outcome will be new leadership practices that will achieve business goals. As in our coaching initiatives, we often recommend an assessment or series of appropriate assessments precede the launch. This initial step helps solidify individual and team insights, provides an opportunity to cement team connectivity through the exploration of similarities, differences, gaps and biases and highlights a best path forward.

Through the course of our activities we will work with you to determine an array of leadership traits necessary now and for your future, establish existing and desired competencies and plot a course of action that will move you toward your desired future. Our participation in the journey can be as significant and for as long as you feel there is value. All work we do with you is done with total confidentiality and privacy.